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Walmart+ Travel

Walmart+ members will get US Big Deals Cash when they book a trip through Walmart+ Travel powered by Expedia.

Members earn:

  • 2% in US Big Deals Cash on airfare
  • 5% in US Big Deals Cash on everything else (Hotel reservations, car rentals, and activities.)

How It Works

You must book travel through Non-members can book travel, but they won’t get US Big Deals Cash.

US Big Deals Cash from a trip appears as Pending in your Ledger until you complete your trip. Pending US Big Deals Cash will be available to spend 30-days after completing the trip.

You can see your US Big Deals Cash balance by going to .


If you need help with your reservations, you can contact Expedia customer service at 310-964-0766 (toll free) or 312-279-7755 (international toll).

Common Questions

Where can I find my booking(s)?

Check your email inbox for a confirmation from Expedia. You can also find your booking(s) by selecting Trips on You must go to your trip on if you want to make changes.

How do you calculate my US Big Deals Cash when I book vacation packages?

If you’re booking a combination of air travel and lodgings, you get 2% US Big Deals Cash for the air travel and 5% US Big Deals Cash on everything else.

What happens to my US Big Deals Cash if I cancel or change my reservation(s)?

We will adjust the pending balance of US Big Deals Cash you will get with each booking within 24-48 hours. Pending US Big Deals Cash will be available to spend 30-days after completing your trip.

Will I get US Big Deals Cash through Walmart+ Travel if I cancel my membership?

If you booked your trip before you canceled your membership, you’ll still get the US Big Deals Cash for that booking 30 days after you’ve completed that trip.

You must be a Walmart+ member when booking to get US Big Deals Cash. You can’t get US Big Deals Cash for past trips.

Does my US Big Deals Cash expire?

No, your US Big Deals Cash never expires.

Can I redeem my US Big Deals Cash on future bookings through Walmart+ Travel?

No, you can only use your US Big Deals Cash for future US Big Deals purchases or cash back. See US Big Deals Cash FAQs for restrictions on redeeming US Big Deals Cash.

When will I see the US Big Deals Cash I received in my account?

You’ll see your US Big Deals Cash as pending in your account until you complete your trip. You’ll see the final amount you receive in your account 30 days after your completed trip.

Can I combine the US Big Deals Cash I get through travel with my other US Big Deals Cash?

Yes, we pool all the US Big Deals Cash you receive into one balance. You can use it for future purchases in US Big Deals stores or You can also redeem it for cash back at any US Big Deals store. See US Big Deals Cash FAQs for questions on US Big Deals Cash restrictions.

Do I earn loyalty points for Expedia or other loyalty sites?

No, Walmart+ Travel purchases are not eligible for points from other loyalty programs.

Who do I contact if I have any questions, changes, or issues with my trip or bookings?

You can contact Expedia customer service at 310-964-0766 (toll free) or 312-279-7755 (international toll) for help with your reservations. You can also contact the airline directly for specific questions about your flight. Visit for questions about your US Big Deals Cash balance.

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