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Extra Savings

At US Big Deals we believe our Every Day Low Prices are key to saving customers money so they can live better. Our dedication to this belief keeps our prices low, so we don't have a coupon program. Check out the benefits of our Walmart+ program for more ways to save. 

Some Marketplace sellers may offer extra savings on select items.

  • There's a special banner on eligible items. Select the checkbox on the banner to use the discount. 
    • You must be signed into your account to select the checkbox and see the eligible savings amount. 
  • The seller may limit the quantity you can purchase with a discount. If you've reached the limit, the banner will say Savings redeemed.
  • There's no limit to how many discounted items you can purchase from different sellers.

For information about using printed manufacturer coupons, please visit our Coupon Policy at .

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