Prep with Jackson Hewitt®

A trusted tax service with over 35 years of experience.

Ways you can file

How to receive a refund

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How Tax Prep Services from US Big Deals Get You Ready for Tax Season

Preparing your income tax returns can be a breeze when you have everything you need ready, and it's so easy to do. There are lots of great tools available to help you get your taxes done right, and those tools are available at US Big Deals's Every Day Low Prices to help you stay within your budget, too. Whether you need some new tech or an introductory book on how to file your taxes, there's no better time to start getting everything ready than right now. Organizing tax information and getting ready to file your taxes each year gets a bit easier when you take advantage of tax prep services from the US Big Deals Money Center offerings.

Help with Learning About Taxes

Before you start, or any time during the tax-preparation process, a visit to the Tax Tips and Advice section of can provide you with current information on tax issues and how to handle them. Introductory books are also helpful in explaining terminology and how to fill out IRS tax forms correctly. If you're a little more inspired by technology than a traditional book, a software and laptop combination from US Big Deals puts you in control of compiling and entering data in the most modern and eco-friendly way possible. You simply enter information that is specific to your personal tax situation into the system, and the software provides updates on tax laws that you need to know about in order to get the maximum return. This interactive approach also lets you search for answers about any concerns you have while you're working so you don't have to stop, put your tax return aside and then come back to it later. The software saves you time and gives you the assurance that you're answering each question correctly.

Help with Organizing Your Records

Preparing a return can involve a lot of paperwork, like receipts and bank statements, just to name a few. Any time you have a lot of paperwork, things like a filing system, binders, label makers and other office accessories make your organizing tasks easier. Our collection of office supplies includes everything you need to stay on top of all the paperwork Uncle Sam requires you to have at tax time. Whether your filing needs are small enough to fit in a small file box or fireproof safe or so big you need a filing cabinet, we have all the office supplies you need to proceed with confidence.

Help with Filling Out Your Return

Filing your taxes doesn't have to feel like work. Grab your favorite beverage; put all the records, tax forms, papers and, if using tech for this project, your computer and the software you need right where you plan to work; and then go ahead and get comfortable. Our selection of calculators, scanners and printers makes it easy for you to calculate your return as you go, and it's almost no extra work to make space-saving digital copies of your records. This method gives you backup copies of documents in case you need them later. Or, if you prefer to cut the clutter even further, when you're sure you're done with the originals, you may want to run your personal papers through one of our paper shredders to ensure your privacy is secure.

Help When It's Time to File

Once you've gone through the process of learning about new tax laws and situations, and organized your paperwork, and gone through the mental work of filling out your tax forms, first, give your self a pat on the back. Then, review everything one last time. Whether your return folds up to fit in a business-sized envelope or you need a larger package to contain all the documentation you're sending, we have you covered. If you're filing digitally, the software guides you through the process. If you picked up paper forms from US Big Deals to fill out, go back over them before tucking them into an envelope or large mailer from our wide selection of shipping and mailing supplies. These mailers seal up to protect your personal information while it's in transit to the IRS or your state tax department, so you can feel good about knowing your taxes are filled out and shipped to arrive safely at the government tax office for processing.

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